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Task Groups

Published 16:53 on 6 May 2020

Restart Racing

This is a new group working on restarting racing in these difficult times. Looking at new procedures to allow a safe return of sailing when appropriate. Already we have over 80 clubs and classes, plus other stakeholders such as individuals and trade organisations. #restartsailracing

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This survey will help us understand the many different challenges the sector is currently experiencing and collect suggestions for operating responsibly whilst still under Covid-19 More....

Task Groups

Registration Form

There is a considerable amount of work to get sailing back and racing resumed safely. Fortunately there are plenty of good materials emerging and enthusiasm from numerous sources to make things happen. We have now established the following Task Groups with the view of understanding the impact of the Covid19 restrictions on various areas relevant to a sailing club's operation of racing. These individual groups will then produce specific material and activities that can be tailored to each club's needs.

The plan is to have smaller groups addressing specific issues in each of the sectors below. These groups will meet through Zoom or similar networks to expedite potential solutions. These would then be reviewed by a few others before becoming the final solution

Please confirm if you are willing to help in any of these groups. It may also be possible to add further groups if that is needed :


Social distancing and monitoring activities to allow access to the sailing clubs and grounds in accordance with the regulations in force.


Many of the actions we undertake are likely to be spawned from the Covid Risk Assessment, this groups first function would be to develop a realistic Assessment. Any type of sailing activity includes an inherent level of risk. In dinghy sailing we typically mitigate this risk with the provision of safety boats. However, interaction between different vessels increases the risk of contagion in the current crisis. How can we minimise this risk?

Race Management

What changes can we make to the way we run racing to reduce the risk of contagion?

In the early days, race management will need to be light touch, minimising the number of people helping run racing in close proximity to each other. Some tasks such as results processing can be done remotely.


Sailing has slowly been making use of technology eg online registration, results processing, event websites, GPS tracking. What modifications do the technology providers need to make to greatly help racing return and provide better integration across various platforms? This should be scaleable down to individual clubs and up to major events and across both dinghy, Inshore and offshore racing


In these challenging times, how we communicate with our members and the sailing community will be critical. The guidelines are likely to evolve over time, very restrictive at first then hopefully easing over the summer. Sailing clubs, classes and events will need to communicate regularly. We also need to rebuild enthusiasm and confidence to go sailing again. Some sailors may not have the time or money, so it is important to keep them informed.


Restartsailing Group needs to communicate itself and lobby where appropriate.

Government and regulation

There is a massive amount of material being issued by Government, we need a group to monitor, understand and disseminate to other groups where appropriate.

Disciplines and classes

Recognising that sailing is very varied we would like to receive ideas from classes and individuals




Inshore (yachts and Sportsboats)

Team/Match racing



Group looking at the challenges the trade faces, sailing needs to maintain its supply chains.


Looking at sharing best practices from around the world

Simple Racing

As sailing starts to return around the world in this New Self Distancing era people are exploring how to get restarted in a more simple form. Simple races are starting to be run around the world, often using GPS tracking apps to automate the race management. The #RestartSailing Simple Racing Group, will explore how this new format can evolve, looking at available technologies, race documentation and scoring etc

Registration Form

Last updated 10:11 on 19 June 2020

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