#RestartSailRacing - Tech Group (mtg 2 - 22 May 2020)
The second meeting of the Technology Group met earlier today, making use of various technologies for communications and collaborations.
Aims of #RestartSailRacing Technology Group
- Identify key areas of C19 Guidance where technology can be applied
- Highlight how technology could meet this requirements
- Showcase existing products and services that address the requirements
- Develop plans for cross supplier collaboration and re-purposing to further meet the C19 requirements and long term help sailing to grow and evolve
The group has made progress on the production of an overview document that hopefully are of use to sailing clubs looking to make more use of technology to help them through the C19 situation and following the RYA Guidance.
A new sub group has been established to develop formal #RestartSailing Data Exchange Schema, to assist integration across a variety of various sailing software packages
Last updated 10:11 on 19 June 2020